— This webinar will be entirely streamed via Zoom. You can access the event through this link. — In a pioneering European research effort, a team of researchers of multiple universities and industries succeeded in proposing a paradigm shift towards digital aircraft maintenance. During a 6 months test period using KLM’s operational data in real-time, it …
Category Archives: Event
Summer School: ‘The era of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence for Structural Applications’
The Aerospace Engineering Faculty of TU Delf will organize the Summer School ‘The era of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence for Structural Applications’, a course that will take place from the 14th to the 16th of June 2022. The course is dedicated to young researchers (PhD’s and PostDoc’s) and it aims to provide the fundamental knowledge …
WEBINAR: Making CBM a reality in aircraft maintenance operations, ReMAP preliminary project results
The project reaches a big milestone: closing the CBM loop in a real aviation environment at KLM. ReMAP invites you to its Webinar “Making CBM a reality in aircraft maintenance operations – ReMAP preliminary project results and demonstration goals“, taking place on the 4th of November, in two different slots: 8.00am and 4.00pm (CET). In …
WEBINAR: Making CBM a reality in aircraft maintenance operations, ReMAP preliminary project results
The project reaches a big milestone: closing the CBM loop in a real aviation environment at KLM. ReMAP invites you to its Webinar “Making CBM a reality in aircraft maintenance operations – ReMAP preliminary project results and demonstration goals“, taking place on the 4th of November, in two different slots: 8.00am and 4.00pm (CET). In …
Joel Ferreira (TAP Portugal) states the importance to send in your papers for the ‘1st International Conference for CBM in Aerospace’. One month to submit until the deadline of 26th November 2021
by Joel Ferreira (TAP Portugal Airline) Prediction, as part of the broader concept condition-based maintenance, is something that is being explored as never before in several industries, as machine learning and artificial intelligence expand their reach at a hypersonic pace. In aircraft maintenance we have been exploring the potential of this concept for a long …
ReMAP in the #AeroDays2020
This year, the #AeroDays2020 took place in a virtual format adapted to the current COVID-19 situation. ReMAP’s coordinator, Bruno Santos, gave a very interesting podcast where he talked a little bit about the project’s motivations, objectives and ambition. The future of aviation was also a topic debated during this discussion. Listen to the podcast …
ReMap @AEC Bordeaux
Thanks for coming by at ReMAP at #AEC2020! We welcomed dozens of stakeholders on condition based maintenance at the ReMAP-booth at the exhibition of the Aerospace Europe Conference 2020 (AEC2020) in Bordeaux. From all ReMAP partners we say thanks to you all. As a side event to the Aerospace Europe Conference Exhibition ReMAP organised a …
ReMAP Workshop @AEC2020
To stimulate the discussion on the CBM concept, and to engage a relevant number of stakeholders around the methodology that is being followed by the project, ReMAP is organising a workshop during the Aerospace Europe Conference 2020. The goal is to promote the discussion of this innovative concept, identifying the challenges, opportunities, and potential approaches, …