ReMAP Workshop @AEC2020

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To stimulate the discussion on the CBM concept, and to engage a relevant number of stakeholders around the methodology that is being followed by the project, ReMAP is organising a workshop during the Aerospace Europe Conference 2020. The goal is to promote the discussion of this innovative concept, identifying the challenges, opportunities, and potential approaches, having as a starting point, the preliminary results achieved by ReMAP.

If you’re attending AEC 2020, join us in this workshop and share with us your experience and standpoints on this state-of-the-art area.


26th February 2020


Time Activity Presenter / Participants

 09:00 – 09:20

Welcome, Introduction and presentation of ReMAP project
Bruno Santos (TUD)

09:20 – 10:45

ReMAP preliminary results, including:

  • The IT ecosystem
  • SHM - Sensing technologies and initial tests
  • PHM - Initial diagnostics and prognostics models & results
  • Safety assessment and regulatory requirements
ReMAP Team

10:45 – 11:00



11:00 – 11:15

Coffee break


11:15 – 12:15

Brainstorm discussing:

  • technical issues
  • market opportunities
  • data sharing
  • certification
  • existing running initiatives
All – in groups

12:15 – 12:30

Coffee break


12:30 – 12:50

Summary of the brainstorm per group
Groups representatives

12:50 – 13:00

Conclusion and next steps
Bruno Santos (TUD)

Location: Bordeaux Congress Centre, Auditorium C

Note: To access ReMAP workshop, the participants must be registered in the AEC2020 conference.


Full Conference Agenda:
AEC2020 Website:

Paulo Rupino Cunha

Paulo Rupino Cunha

Assistant Professor of Information Systems with Habilitation and former head of the IS Group at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Director of Informatics and Systems Lab of Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), a non-profit association for Innovation and Technology Transfer.

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