Groundbreaking Analysis on Fleet Earning Potential with CBM

In the context of ReMAP’s project, we are analysing the areas in aircraft maintenance where condition-based maintenance (CBM) improves Fleet Earning Potential.  Fleet earning potential (FEP), i.e., the amount of earning that a fleet is capable of generating, depends on three elements: Mission capacityNumber of flights an airline is capable of scheduling given the aircraft …

ReMAP researcher awarded at the IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Metrology for AeroSpace

Georgios Galanopoulos, researcher from the University of Patras and ReMAP project, was awarded at the Virtual Conference IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Metrology for AeroSpace. Georgios presented the paper Health indicators for diagnostics and prognostics of composite aerospace structures, co-authored by Georgios Galanopoulos (U. Patras), Dimitrios Milanoski (U. Patras), Agnes Broer (TUDelft), Dimitrios Zarouchas (TUD), Theodoros …

ReMAP consortium opens 1st open-access intelligent knowledge databank to predict the future state of composite aircraft structures

Postdoc Nan Yue and PhD Agnes Broer in front of the fully sensorized testpanel collecting data for the SHM-database Photo credits: TU Delft An intense two year test campaign on aerospace composite structures at the Aerospace Structures & Materials Laboratory of Aerospace Engineering Faculty of the TU Delft (NL) and at the Department of Mechanical …

CBM Benefits for Airlines: Estimate them Realistically!

Author: Floris Freeman KLM Most airlines today are commercial companies aiming for profitable operations. While the main goal of an aircraft maintenance organisation is to keep the fleet in an airworthy state, it also needs to contribute to the profitability goal of the airline. Smarter maintenance does not directly affect the airline’s profitability, but it …

How to Optimize Airline Maintenance Planning with CBM-Predictions

Author: ReMAP-PhD Iordanis Tseremoglou Current aircraft maintenance leads to over-maintenance as parts are replaced after a defined number of flight hours, flight cycles or calendar days, whichever comes first, even while they are still in good health. In ReMAP we investigate the possibilities of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM). With CBM the health of a component …

What 438.000 test cycles tell me about the health of an aircraft structure

Author: ReMAP-PhD Agnes Broer “Aircraft are nowadays made of lightweight fiber-reinforced composite material. Damage in composite materials is usually internal and not immediately visible on the outside. According to strict maintenance schedules, aircraft structures are therefore extensively inspected using various non-destructive techniques. These manual inspections cost a lot of time and money. I investigate the …

An effective health indicator to identify the pain of an aircraft structure

Author: Dimitrios P. Milanoski When you have pain, you go to a doctor. You tell the doctor where you feel the pain and how bad this is, say on a scale from 1 to 10. In our body the nervous system provides indications which are interpreted by our senses as pain. Similarly, we envisage to …

Preserving Privacy with Federated Learning for Condition-based Maintenance

Authors: Miguel Fernandes, Catarina Silva, Joel Arrais, Alberto Cardoso and Bernardete Ribeiro – University of Coimbra Aircraft maintenance ensures that all the systems in the aircraft perform safely for the expected period of time. Maintenance checks have to be performed on each aircraft after reaching a certain number of flight hours. Another approach is preventive …

Your First Guide in Identifying Your Hazards in Condition Based Maintenance for Aircraft

Blog by Pierre Bieber – Responsible Risk- Identification, Modelling and Evaluation at ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab. When a new technology is being introduced, such as Artificial Intelligence in Condition Based Maintenance, you start by identifying the effects of this technology on the safety of people, goods and environment. This so called ‘hazard identification’ has …

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